
Microsoft Technologies

Our exceptional technical expertise in Microsoft technologies and extensive project experience in developing, maintaining and enhancing web based enterprise application development and desktop application development in Microsoft technologies will find right solution for complex business problems. We analyze, architect, design, develop and deploy services in Microsoft technologies to find right solutions for complex and changing business requirements. Rofous's expertise in execution of application development using agile processes such as Scrum and MSF for Agile software development fits into any application development cycle.

Our focus on building robust design for agile businesses, code re-usability, create application and technology knowledge base, automate build deployment, using unit test frameworks provides our clients with cutting edge advantage to sustain in ever changing business needs.

Custom application development offers the flexibility for business to frequently update applications to use latest Microsoft technologies and satisfy changing business requirements.

Application Development Tools, Platforms and Processes

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5/3.0/2.0
  • Microsoft Visual Studio® 2010 Beta 1/ 2008/2005
  • C#, Visual Basic.NET, XAML
  • Windows Presentation Framework (WPF), Windows Communication Framework (WCF), Windows Workflow Framework (WF)
  • Microsoft Message Queuing Service (MSMQ)
  • COM, DCOM, COM+ Services
  • Enterprise Library, Smart Client Software Factory, Architectural Guidance Software Factory.
  • Composite Application framework for WPF and Silverlight application development.
  • Threat Modeling
  • LINQ, NHibernate, Log4Net, NLog, NUnit,

Database Design and Business Intelligence

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2005/2000
  • Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
  • Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)
  • Business Objects® Crystal Reports

Web Development

  • Silverlight™
  • AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, ExtJs, Coolite
  • Cross-browser Support

Java / J2EE Application Development

  • Expertise resource in JAVA/J2EE application development
  • Cutting edge technology knowledge pool to fill the customer needs
  • Automation frame works to support high end web applications
  • R&D team to work on open source development projects
  • Well versed with Agile development techniques
  • On time delivery assured with trust
  • Development & maintenance clients demand technology.

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